Create pinterest board
Create pinterest board

create pinterest board

Pinterest is a great social media platform to use when you want to explain your business through a series of images instead of just relying heavily on written content. But what if your forte is more on creating words than setting up a visual board that tells the story about your business? This is especially true for people who are visually creative and artsy. Click on the profile picture icon at the top to go to your profile.Making a Pinterest Board can be fun and exciting. For the first method where we can create Pinterest board from your profile, launch the Pinterest website and log in to your personal Pinterest account. How to Make a Board on Pinterest in Personal Profiles Create a Pinterest Board on PCġ. The steps differ slightly for Pinterest personal and business profiles. Now that you have a slight idea about Pinterest boards, let’s check how to make boards on Pinterest. You can change the privacy setting of the board after creating it as well. However, you can make the board private by selecting the ‘Keep this board secret’ while making a new board. By default, new boards are public in nature i.e., anyone can see the pins inside them.Now, instead of going to the profile screen to create a board, Pinterest lets you create boards directly when you are collecting pins.

create pinterest board

But while saving it, you realize that there is no appropriate board for the pin. Let’s say you are browsing the Pinterest feed and you land upon an interesting pin. Alternatively, you can create a board when you are saving a pin. Firstly, you can make a board from the Pinterest profile screen and add pins to it later.

Create pinterest board